
Timr is a website that helps users customize their timetable for the Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi.

You can choose what courses to follow, whether they belong to your year of study or not. Also the application will allow you to add new subjects even if they don't belong in the default timetable of your faculty.


  • Intuitive interface to add the subjects you are interested in.
  • Ability to generate the timetable's followed courses automatically based on the selected year and group.
  • Maps that show where your next course is located in the building
  • Custom message that shows what, where and when your next course is
  • Atom and iCal feeds
  • Android app and Windows Sidebar plug-in.

Technologies used: HTML 5, CSS 3, PHP 5.5, Ajax, jQuery.

The project can be visited at the following address: Timr

Unfortunately the project's timetable database is no loger up to date, making the project unusable.

Date Created
June, 2012

Timr was developed in 2012 as a project for Web Technology course by a team of Computer Science students.

The authors are:

  • Asaftei Robert
  • Roman Georgiana
  • Secrieru Radu